How to stay hydrated?
How to stay hydrated? Hydration! That sums up to only one thing water, taking an adequate amount of water so that your body does not need to crave more water to carry on the normal functions. So before going any further to the tips let's understand what is the role of water in our body. Role of water in your body. Water constitutes 90% of your plasma. Water helps to maintain your osmotic balance. When you are dehydrating then the osmoreceptors are stimulated which causes vasopressin hormone to act and causes absorption of water from the renal tubules of your kidney. Water helps in maintaining the body temperature. It helps in excretion via the process of sweating, urination. Contributes to the synovial fluid that lubricates your different body joints. Water helps in the formation of saliva. Those were few roles that water have in our body. Now moving on the major part is how to stay hydrated. 1.Keep water within your arms reach. Whenever you are busy...
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