How to stay hydrated?

 How to stay hydrated? Hydration! That sums up to only one thing water, taking an adequate amount of water so that your body does not need to crave more water to carry on the normal functions. So before going any further to the tips let's understand what is the role of water in our body.  Role of water in your body. Water constitutes 90% of your plasma. Water helps to maintain your osmotic balance. When you are dehydrating then the osmoreceptors are stimulated which causes vasopressin hormone to act and causes absorption of water from the renal tubules of your kidney. Water helps in maintaining the body temperature. It helps in excretion via the process of sweating, urination. Contributes to the synovial fluid that lubricates your different body joints. Water helps in the formation of saliva. Those were few roles that water have in our body. Now moving on the major part is how to stay hydrated. 1.Keep water within your arms reach. Whenever you are busy...

5 benefits of exercise


Exercise. That adds up to one thing stay fit and healthy by doing some physical activity.
Having said that there are many benefits of exercise on your health but in this post, I will be sharing the 5 best ones. Before moving to that let's see other interesting things regarding exercise.

Why should I do exercise?

There is only one answer to that question. A willingness to be fit and healthy and have a good and strong body. A strong mind makes a strong character but a strong body is also needed. I am not telling that you should be hitting the gym for hours to get the perfect body or something like that but you can at least do exercise, physical activities for 30 minutes a day to have good health. If you have enough money but your health is not good then it doesn't make any sense. You can avoid diseases and keep yourself fit and fine. That brings us to the second question what exercise should you try at home to be healthy?

What exercise should you try?
Well talking about that you don't need to be a pro just doing exercise for about 30 minutes daily is just fine. You need not join a gym if you don't want to or you don't have time for that but I hope you can at least allot 30 minutes for yourself to keep yourself fit and fine.
There are many home exercise you can do at home without and help of expensive gym equipment or any trainer.
  1. Squats
  2. Push-ups
  3. Simple run or jogging
  4. Cycling
  5. Swimming
  6. Sit-ups
  7. Planks

If you want to add some more resistance to your exercise you can use a pair of dumbbells. You can variety of tutorial on Youtube, Pinterest and the like social media about various exercises that you can do at home.


1. Lose weight

Exercise can help in losing weight. It works wonders if you want to lose weight and get in the perfect shape you dream of. What happens is that the Exercise stimulates the anterior pituitary to release Growth Hormone(GH). This GH causes fat metabolism and breaks down fats(by activating the lipase enzyme). It also facilitates protein synthesis. Over the effect is that the fat is depleted and protein synthesis is promoted to a greater extent.

2. Improves cardiovascular health

Exercise increases the metabolism. Your muscles are working vigorously so their oxygen consumption also skyrockets and they use more and more O2. What happens is that heat is also produced in a greater amount as a by-product of metabolism. This heat increases body temperature and causes cutaneous Vasodilation. Due to this the peripheral resistance decreases and more and more blood is returned to the heart which increases the Cardiac output, heart rate, BP.

All this facilitates better circulation and better transportation of nutrients to all the organs of the body.

3.Elevates mood 

Exercise causes the secretion of various hormones. And it is due to the proper action of these hormones all the function of the body occurs nicely. Exercise causes relaxation by secreting the endorphins and it inhibits the secretion of the stress hormones namely the corticosteroid hormone. This hormone causes stress. One very important function of this hormone is that it inhibits the GnRH(Gonadotropins Releasing Hormones). The absence of these hormones affects menstrual cycles, spermatogenesis. So exercise is vital.

4.Increases the productivity

As said above that exercise improves your cardiovascular health and improves circulation. The brain during the exercise receives enough blood accompanied by vital nutrients and minerals that are important for regular and better brain function. The brain gets better blood flow and it helps in keeping your mind calm, increasing your work efficiency and your productivity also increases by many folds. It is suggested that you do your exercise early in the morning and get your work done. It will work wonders. 

5.Improves your muscles and bones

Regular exercise will help you have better and stronger muscles and bones. Exercise stimulates the GH secretion which causes protein synthesis and also has a wide effect on the bones ranging from, sulphitation of the chondrocytes(a type of cell in bone), it also helps in the absorption of Calcium in the intestine and calcium helps in the normal functioning of the Vitamin D3. Due to protein synthesis, there is good muscle mass and strong bones.

These were the 5 benefits of exercise on the body. Hope you have liked this post do comment and share.
Let me know in the comments what exercise you prefer.
                  THANK YOU❤


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