How to stay hydrated?
How to stay hydrated?
Hydration! That sums up to only one thing water, taking an adequate amount of water so that your body does not need to crave more water to carry on the normal functions.
So before going any further to the tips let's understand what is the role of water in our body.
Role of water in your body.
- Water constitutes 90% of your plasma.
- Water helps to maintain your osmotic balance. When you are dehydrating then the osmoreceptors are stimulated which causes vasopressin hormone to act and causes absorption of water from the renal tubules of your kidney.
- Water helps in maintaining the body temperature.
- It helps in excretion via the process of sweating, urination.
- Contributes to the synovial fluid that lubricates your different body joints.
- Water helps in the formation of saliva.
Those were few roles that water have in our body. Now moving on the major part is how to stay hydrated.
1.Keep water within your arms reach.
Whenever you are busy doing work it is quite normal that you forget to have water. Even if you feel the thirst you might think.. "Ahh... the water is in the kitchen. Let me finish the work then I will have it." To avoid that you can have a bottle or a glass of water on your work table so that neither you have to leave your place to search for water and also the thirst is also quenched. Sit with water.
2.Set a daily goal.
If you feel like that you are not hydrated enough then you can add a habit. And guess what habit can change when implemented correctly. We need approx 2 litres of water daily. So set a daily goal of having that much water. The best part is that there are habit trackers that actually will help you accomplish your daily goal of being hydrated.
3.Have water bottles with you whenever you go out.
A very simple tip and often the most ignored one. Do carry water bottles whenever you feel like having water you can have it. And carry enough water so that you don't run short of water.
4. Can use an alarm clock.
You can set reminders on your smartphone to set reminders after regular intervals so that you can have an adequate amount of water and you don't have to remind yourself now and then that you need to have water. Also, your daily goal to have water will be fulfilled.
5.Have alternatives other than water
Okay! I get it 😉✨✨ if you do not want to have water but you want to be hydrated then I have got a solution for you. You can have fluids other than water to be specific you can have fruit 🍍🍎🍓🍇 juices that may vary from orange, pineapple, watermelon etc and coconut water is also a get alternative. The plus point is that you will not only be hydrated but also fruits have essential vitamins and minerals and all this will add up for a better and healthy life. Once in a while, you can have fruit juices. But avoid soft, cold drinks as alternatives.
6. Have water after you urinate.
After you urinate you are losing water in a potential amount. The normal range of 24 hours urine volume is 800 to 2000 millilitres per day( with a normal fluid intake of 2 litres per day). So you need to have water in adequate amount. Now don't drink water in excess it leads to water toxicity, you will be urinating frequently. However, increased or decreased amount of urine output can be caused due to other kinds of pathology also.
7.Make it a habit.
Yes, I know this is a bit tricky tip. There is a saying that goes "Motivation is gets you started and the habit is what keeps you going." So if you know that why you need water then you will have it daily and not find any excuse for not having water. Once you have developed the habit of having a certain amount of water daily then you won't need any wonder tip to make you have water daily.
How to know if you are hydrated?
The best way to figure out whether or not you are on the safe side is by observing the urine colour. Generally, it is colourless if you have seen it's turning a bit yellowish it may seem that you are having less water intake in your body. (A yellow colour urine can also relate to other pathology.) Also, your urine output will be low than normal. If you are not properly hydrated then you might feel thirsty which is a natural signal that your body sends you if you are dehydrating. You will be having a dry throat.
The thing you need to take away from this post is as follows:
1.Understand the basic importance of water in your body.
2.Staying healthy is very important the hazards concerned with dehydration is pretty dangerous.
3.Get a good amount of water and stay hydrated.
4.Do not have a cold drink or any soft drink to stay hydrated.
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Till then have a good day and a healthy life ahead.
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